Kinase Briefings
We share Kinase expertise with regular insights into digital marketing.
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5 Challenges for Digital in 2025
It’s going to be an unpredictable, turbulent year. Things seem to be moving fast and digital marketing will need to be a key driver for sales and stability for a lot of businesses.
What can digital marketers learn from the UK General Election?
Elections are marketing campaigns - with big consequences.
Where have we got to? Economic outlook for marketers
The first quarter of 2024 has tentatively eased off the economic pressures seen for the past two years. What does this mean for digital marketing and ecommerce?
Humour in digital marketing - successes and pitfalls
When people are doom scrolling, will your funny ad suddenly lift them out of it? We explore humour in digital marketing.
Rising costs, diluted results. What can digital marketers do?
Costs are rising across platforms - with the starkest CPC rises seen on Google. At the same time, effectiveness is falling. What explains this, and how can advertisers navigate a choppy and more expensive digital space?
That’s a wrap! Why is every business copying Spotify?
Privacy and consent define the modern internet - but if so, why is everybody so keen to share their Spotify Wrapped?
Generative AI for Marketing
The hype is over. We’ve entered a new phase for AI applications - marked by disillusionment, reality checks, and marketers bombarded by ads for endless AI assistants and start-up apps.
Rethinking Lead Gen
Lead gen campaigns can transform a business. But all too often they are stuck on the most basic strategy when they need to be rethought as a whole matrix of options.
Is Broad Best?
If your Meta campaigns have lost ground or become less efficient, you need to revisit your audience strategy and update your thinking.
Are you ready, player one?
Layoffs, revenue warnings, and change. The profit pathways of behemothic tech giants never did run smooth. Richard Brooks, Kinase's founder, looks at how we got here - and where the industry’s big bets might lead next.
GA4 - Key Implications and Actions
Google’s recent announcement that Universal Analytics will be phased out in July 2023 was long expected - but it has a bigger implication for road maps around analytics and marketing data
How green is digital?
Consumers want to shop green - but can advertisers ensure that ads are part of a green supply chain?
State of Digital for H2 2021
Following the sudden Google announcement that third party cookies will be extended until 2023, we have surveyed this as part of our big picture analysis for digital now. What do advertisers need to know for the second half of 2021?
How have shop reopenings impacted ecommerce?
Lockdowns ending in the UK and USA have seen a retail and service sector recovery - but the picture for ecommerce in the two markets is diverging. We look at the latest data and analyse what this means for ecommerce strategies, and how the patterns around ending lockdown should guide decisions for the next round of opening up in the UK and across Europe.
Welcome to the new turbulence
For a decade, the received wisdom was that the digital landscape had settled into immovable monopolies, too big and too clever to be challenged. But change has been bubbling away - and now the pandemic has begun to blow the field wide open again. But who will benefit - consumers, advertisers, or the new tech winners?
The future of the high street
Familiar shops are disappearing and shopping is changing - but it doesn’t have to be High Noon for the High Street. Richard Brooks of Kinase outlines why.
An hour with Benedict Evans
Benedict Evans is an independent tech analyst who has spent 20 years analysing mobile, digital media and technology. In his words, “I try to work out what’s going on and what it means.” His annual presentations on macro and strategic trends are key events, and ‘The end of the beginning’ delivered in 2019 at Google HQ in San Francisco impressed Kinases’s directors, Richard and Chris when they attended. So when Google invited us to join Benedict for an ‘Insights Live’ hour, in which he would go through his views on ‘Paths to the new normal’, we were keen to listen and ask him some questions.