Kinase Briefings
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4 stages of Lead Generation with Meta
Saira Smith, Paid Social Account Director, outlines 4 key stages of lead generation with Meta
Oliver’s Travels and Kinase - staying ahead
We look back on what has made this partnership a success, and talk to Oliver’s Travels co-founder Oliver Bell for his take
Kinase are finalists for UK Paid Media Awards
What a wonderful start to the year - Kinase has been nominated for the UK Paid Media Awards!
We are double finalists for Agency Excellence 2024
Kinase is very happy to be able to say that we are double finalists for Google’s prestigious Agency Excellence Awards EMEA.
3 Conversion Rate Wins for Paid Search Lead Gen
Lead generation through paid search isn’t always seens as a glamorous or dynamic discipline - but Isabel Figueiredo has found it to be both, and here explains how she came to love lead gen
Rethinking Lead Gen
Lead gen campaigns can transform a business. But all too often they are stuck on the most basic strategy when they need to be rethought as a whole matrix of options.
Mastering LeadGen: Insights '23
Kinase has always developed cutting edge lead gen strategies. We joined Google to talk about connecting data to smart bidding in a fireside chat at Mastering LeadGen: Insights '23.