Kinase Briefings
We share Kinase expertise with regular insights into digital marketing.
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Where have we got to? Economic outlook for marketers
The first quarter of 2024 has tentatively eased off the economic pressures seen for the past two years. What does this mean for digital marketing and ecommerce?
What is Q5, how to speak Reel, and post-Xmas app installs - it must be the Meta Mobile Summit
Reel talk and Q5 tips - it must be the Meta Mobile Summit - and Kinase was there to learn more
The Great Christmas Ad Review
Over the last few weeks, the big six supermarkets launched their Christmas ad campaigns. Kinase reviews the different approaches and gives our festive thumbs up (or down) on who’s produced a Christmas cracker.
Explainer: Technology Ownership and the GMP
There are multiple options when it comes to technology ownership within the Google Marketing Platform (GMP). This explainer outlines what it means for brands in terms of laying out the ownership options, so you can make the right choice.
Five Predictions for Black Friday
Will Black Friday continue to grow this year despite so many negative trends? We break down how each headline factor from the World Cup to consumer confidence will matter for performance.
Kinase view of the year ahead
Ecommerce saw huge growth in 2020 as it helped people continue to shop and get what they need. Digital marketing now has a huge opportunity in 2021 to sustain this growth and continue to connect with customers in a changed environment. We outline three of the biggest challenges and how to get them right in what will be a transformative year.
Going global with Kinase
Are there markets where your business can fulfil unmet demand? It may be that competitors execute poorly, have found their supply chains disrupted, or haven’t yet recognised the opportunity.
Knowing how and when to expand into new markets is the core requirement of all successful export strategies. But collecting the right information to inform those decisions can be difficult.
Four crucial events ahead for digital in H2-2020
Ecommerce needs to plan for turbulent H2
The current position for ecommerce in the UK is one of sales stabilisation combined with new growth, but there are a series of potentially difficult challenges ahead.
The swing to ecommerce seen during lockdown isn’t crumbling away. Both the ONS report for June and new data from the British Retail Consortium confirmed earlier transaction data, indicating that retail sales had almost recovered to their pre-pandemic levels. This countered more gloomy previous forecasts.
Ecommerce in Lockdown
We look at the latest survey data on new ecommerce adopters and what will make them stay; the publication of the UK government’s Google and Facebook competition report; and the launch of TikTok self service ads.