Kinase Briefings
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Disruption From a Great Cute Whale
DeepSeek has shocked shareholders, AI chatbot users, other Chinese AI companies, and now tech opinion writers around the world
5 Challenges for Digital in 2025
It’s going to be an unpredictable, turbulent year. Things seem to be moving fast and digital marketing will need to be a key driver for sales and stability for a lot of businesses.
How Kinase uses and develops AI
Kinase grew by early adoption and rigorous testing of AI tools. Today, we test and also build AI-powered tools to get the most for our clients.
Is AI Usurping the SERPs?
How is AI changing the search results experience - and what might it mean for advertisers?
What Performance Max is hiding from you (and how Demand Gen can help)
AI-driven ad formats can drive results. But are they also hiding the potential for more incremental sales? Andy Arnett argues the case
Cookies and Privacy in 2024
This year the transition from third party tracking and use of tracking data towards privacy-centric advertising has moved into its final phase. Kinase outlines key changes and why 2024 will be the completion of the privacy revolution.
Generative AI for Marketing
The hype is over. We’ve entered a new phase for AI applications - marked by disillusionment, reality checks, and marketers bombarded by ads for endless AI assistants and start-up apps.
From 'Pretty Cool' to 'Mind Blown': Exploring Google's Product Studio Capabilities
Surprising no one, generative AI led the way at Google’s Marketing Live this year. We explore Product Studio’s three main capabilities and rank them from ‘pretty cool’, to ‘wow’, to ‘mind blown’.
Kinase Ranks Google’s Already Existing AI Tools for Digital Marketers
We take the chance to look back at Google’s previous deployments, asking how successful they were and wondering how this bodes for the next big wave of disruption to sweep across the internet.
7 Ways to Use ChatGPT for Paid Social
ChatGPT has brought AI back to the forefront of tech, even opening up a new era for search. We outline 7 ways it can be used to change your Paid Social.