Kinase Briefings
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Basket Case: what are customers up to inside the cart?
Conversions With Basket Data brings more detail to customer journeys
Fantastic Formulae and How To Use Them
Optimisation may be done by bidding algorithms, but there’s still data to crunch, ad copy lines to edit, and insights to be gleaned in a spreadsheet. So we’ve picked out some of the formulae we find most useful across Kinase.
Navigating the Seas of GA4: Google Signals and the February Shake-Up
Stay ahead in the dynamic GA4 landscape with our guide to GA4 Signals.
Cookies and Privacy in 2024
This year the transition from third party tracking and use of tracking data towards privacy-centric advertising has moved into its final phase. Kinase outlines key changes and why 2024 will be the completion of the privacy revolution.
Kinase Insights into Black Friday
We used our in-house SERPlight tool to look at depth of sales and competitiveness across verticals on Cyber Weekend.
Generation GA4
As the end of Universal Analytics (UA) inches closer, there are a whole lot of people holding their breath as they wait for the inevitable change over. This doesn’t have to be the case.
How to design a successful test
Test design has many pitfalls. Kinase’s David Reed lays out how to test for success
Why you must experiment
Kinase founder Richard Brooks on why experiments and modelling are now essential for taking digital marketing forwards
Getting The Most Out Of Migration To GA4
Migration to GA4 is a great chance to update analytics assumptions and bring your GA into line with both modern consumers behaviour online, and your business goals.
Connecting Media and Measurement in a Post-Cookie World
Aligning your marketing KPIs with your business goals is the first step. But then how do you make sure your marketing mix is actually aligned with those KPIs, if you can no longer directly measure the impact of digital channels?
GA4 - Key Implications and Actions
Google’s recent announcement that Universal Analytics will be phased out in July 2023 was long expected - but it has a bigger implication for road maps around analytics and marketing data
Kinase Analytics Director on privacy and data in 2022 at Google Partners event
Google's latest 'Ads Academy for Partners: Unlock Growth' event featured a fireside chat with Kinase Analytics Director James Monaghan. In a wide ranging catch up, James covered digital privacy, smart bidding, the challenges of the last year, and priorities for 2022.
Tech companies vs regulators - implications for advertisers
Governments are gearing up to take on tech giants. Will corporate breakups occur, and how will these platforms evolve to stay on top of change? We look at the digital advertising implications, and consider what will happen next to privacy, monopolies, and the regulation of online content.
Beyond cookies
The clock is ticking down for third party cookies, with the IAB predicting that mobile ad IDs will follow. How should advertisers plan for these changes? And how will the architecture of digital advertising be rebuilt?
We have mapped out four key areas which digital marketers need to develop strategies for, and have then picked out key trends and likely next developments.