Kinase Briefings
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Three Christmas Ghosts of Google Past
Our Secret Digital Veteran returns, with a ‘respectful whistle’ and a review of three times Google played the magician with Google Ads
Deadly Cliches Of Digital
Would you like a funnel with your fireside chat?
We asked The Secret Digital Veteran to list the cliches that they hate, then compile a dictionary to decode and hopefully help us avoid them. All for the greater good, of course.
Missing the point of The Big Short
The giant robot brain that is Google seems to have gone down a YouTube rabbit-hole of videos related to finance, and ended up learning from The Big Short. The brain must not have heard the one about getting high on your own supply.
Where the hell is my robot butler?
Google’s match types have become a moving target. We asked The Secret PPC Veteran whether they could make sense of the latest changes - and whether paid search is on the right path towards bidding on meaning, rather than simply text.
Notes on Google’s next ad automation push
Ads on Google are changing - from June 2022 they will be fully automated. But is automation always good for its own sake - and what are the implications for control over your campaigns?