Shopping & Feeds
Kinase works with existing suppliers or provide a standalone feed solution which can be optimised for structure and contents to provide the best possible basis for activity. We then apply novel solutions to account structure, monitoring and bid optimisation to keep the channel growing and put our clients ahead of competitors.
Kinase can take your shopping campaigns further:
High quality data feeds for your products and services are essential across digital channels - Kinase can consult and drive your feeds to be best suited for different channels, integrating our expertise in Shopping, Marketplaces, Paid Social and Analytics.
Kinase has been leading the field for Google Shopping strategy since it was invented - as early adopters of Shopping in 2012, Kinase featured in one of the first Google case studies on Product Listing Ads as they were then known. We have continued to innovate just as Google has continued to radically develop the product.
Kinase is a Premier Partner of Google, with our search experts equally trained in Shopping strategy and implementation ensuring holistic understanding, best possible technical implementation and joined-up strategy development.
Read our Nisbets case study where we leveraged Shopping to ensure that Nisbets recovered from Covid lockdown with a flying start.