More than a food bank - Kinase x North Paddington Food Bank
By Dina Mexia
Covid has had an impact on every aspect of life - at work and at home - but there are particularly vulnerable groups, such as those people in short term and chronic long term food poverty. North Paddington Food Bank is a humanitarian charity focused on helping people in these situations.
When the rise in Covid cases meant Kinase had to postpone our Xmas celebration for another year, we discussed what to do with the pre-made food order. So we arranged with Queen’s Skate and Bowl in Queensway for the hot food for the cancelled Christmas party to be made up and boxed, so we could deliver it to North Paddington Food Bank.
When we got there on Friday 17th December, donated Christmas trees were in the parking lot and the team were organising festive food and essentials packages for collection, as well as offering conversation and advice. Clearly comfort and company are much valued too. The Kinase team is so pleased that we were able to contribute to the Food Bank’s work - and that we were also able to stay to help out with friendly volunteers and staff of the Food Bank.